ЖК The Jewel Pratumnak
О жилом комплексе
The Jewel Pratumnak is a follow-up project with 15 floors, 122 rooms, studio studio - penthouse studio, starting at 38-70 sq m. You can design it to be elegant. There are facilities with many amenities. which consists of aggregates with tennis courts and a convenience store. Including a sauna, steam room, fitness room will be on the 14th floor in case there is a sneak peek. Don't forget that under the reception building, the staff are there to help you 24 hours a day, CCTV, wireless.
- Type A, 1 time, 1 return, will get 38 sq m.
- Type B, type 1 time, 1 return, get 42 sq m.
- Type C, type 2, second time, request 60 sq m.
- Type D, type 2, second time, can get 65 sq m.
- Type E, type 2, second time, return to get 76 sq m.
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Планировка #2 ЖК The Jewel Pratumnak
Планировка #3 ЖК The Jewel Pratumnak
Планировка #4 ЖК The Jewel Pratumnak
Планировка #5 ЖК The Jewel Pratumnak
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